#LuftMUC @ Werksviertel Mitte
After five annual shows in Los Angeles, and a successful maiden European event held in England in late July, we're ready to head to Porsche's homeland: Germany. We will touch down in Munich and get ready to pull together another event, this time with some different ingredients.
The venue, Werksviertel Mitte, is a rapidly changing urban development in eastern Munich. As the industrial heritage of the neighborhood is redeveloped for mixed use - new construction office buildings, vibrant restaurants and public spaces – there is a gritty and artistic pop-up vibe happening this summer. Air-cooled Porsches will be displayed throughout a compact series of indoor and outdoor spaces, set amongst a temporary container development, urban plazas and vivid public art.
Like past shows, this show will feature a blend of curated, pre-selected rarities and ticketed enthusiasts’ cars. General public entry to the event is free and open, but car owners interested to display their air-cooled Porsches will need to submit details about their cars to the organizers for selection and curation.
We will be accepting car submissions for owners who wish to display their car at Luftgekühlt. Submissions are open until September 5, and owners who have had their car selected for display will be notified by email and sent a ticket purchase link. A paid ticket costing €35 is required for parking and displaying your car within the Werksviertel venue.
For all event and ticket info, head to:
To submit details of your car please go to the ticket option at
https://luftmuc-by-luftgekuhlt.eventbrite.de and select "Zeig uns dein Auto."
Within the Werksviertel venue, there is a special exhibition hall showcasing a group of feature exhibit cars, and which includes a merchandise area. Due to the local regulations, we are required to charge a fee of €2.50 to enter the exhibition hall, however the fee can be applied to any merchandise purchase made inside.
We have been totally humbled and blown away by the passion and support for our events Stateside and in the UK and we are looking forward to sharing the love with our community of friends and Porsche legends in Germany. We hope to see you there!